Nuclear re-interaction effects in quasielastic neutrino nucleus scattering
- G. Co'(),
- ,
- ,
7 pages
Part of Proceedings, 1st International Workshop on Neutrino-nucleus interactions in the few GeV region (NuInt 01) : Tsukuba, Japan, December 13-16, 2001, 210-214
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B Proc.Suppl. 112 (2002) 210-214
Contribution to:
- , 210-214
- NuInt 01
- nucl-th/0203025 [nucl-th]
Citations per year
The quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus cross section has been calculated by using a Fermi gas model corrected to consider the re-scattering between the emitted nucleon and the rest nucleus. As an example of the relevance of this effect we show results for the muon production cross section on 16O target.Note:
- 7 pages, 4 Postscript figures, Contribution to NuInt01 Workshop, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
- talk: Tsukuba 2001/12/13
- neutrino nucleus: inelastic scattering
- neutrino nucleus: nuclear reaction
- neutrino/mu
- oxygen
- muon: neutrinoproduction
- Fermi gas
- final-state interaction
- differential cross section: angular dependence
- muon-: energy spectrum