Structure function of a damped harmonic oscillator
Mar, 200319 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 68 (2003) 034602
- nucl-th/0303003 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- PSI-PR-03-04
Citations per year
Following the Caldeira-Leggett approach to describe dissipative quantum systems the structure function for a harmonic oscillator with Ohmic dissipation is evaluated by an analytic continuation from euclidean to real time. The analytic properties of the Fourier transform of the structure function with respect to the energy transfer (the ``characteristic function'') are studied and utilized. In the one-parameter model of Ohmic dissipation we show explicitly that the broadening of excited states increases with the state number without violating sum rules. Analytic and numerical results suggest that this is a phenomenologically relevant, consistent model to include the coupling of a single (sub-)nuclear particle to unobserved and complex degrees of freedom.- quantum mechanics
- energy loss
- oscillator: structure function
- correlation function
- spectral representation
- path integral
- analytic properties
- width: excited state
- sum rule
- numerical calculations