Analysis of three-neutrino oscillations in the full mixing angle space

Aug, 2004
4 pages

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We use a model, with no CP violation, of the world's neutrino oscillation data, excluding the LSND experiments, and search the full parameter space (0θ12π/20\leq\theta_{12} \le \pi/2: π/2θ13π/2-\pi/2 \le \theta_{13} \le \pi/2: and 0\leq\theta_{23} \le \pi /2)forthebestfitvaluesofthemixinganglesandmasssquareddifferences.Wefindthatthemixingangle) for the best fit values of the mixing angles and mass-squared differences. We find that the mixing angle \theta_{13}isboundedby is bounded by -0.15<\theta_{13}<0.20withanabsoluteminimumat with an absolute minimum at \theta_{13}=0.12andalocalminimumat and a local minimum at -0.04.Theimportanceofthenegative. The importance of the negative \theta_{13}regionandthisstructureinthechisquarespacehasheretoforebeenoverlookedbecausethefactorizationapproximationcommonlyemployedyieldsoscillationprobabilitiesthatareafunctionof region and this structure in the chi-square space has heretofore been overlooked because the factorization approximation commonly employed yields oscillation probabilities that are a function of \sin^2\theta_{13}$.
  • neutrino: oscillation
  • flavor: 3
  • mixing angle: parametrization
  • neutrino: mass difference
  • angular distribution
  • numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments