The In-medium few-body problem

Aug, 2004
16 pages

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We are concerned with few-particle correlations in a fermionic system at finite temperature and density. Within the many-body Green functions formalism the description of correlations is provided by the Dyson equation approach that leads to effective few-body equations. They contain the dominant medium effects, which are self energy corrections and the Pauli blocking. Hence the effective two-body interactions between quasiparticles are momentum/energy-dependent and therefore they can be usesed in the medium modified, momentum space, integral AGS equations for three- and four-body systems. To investigate correlations and clusters beyond four-body, we employ, instead, the configuration space two-variable integro-differential equations (IDEA) for AA-body bound systems which are based on Hyperspherical Harmonics and the Faddeev decomposition of the wave function in two-body amplitudes. This requires the transformation of the energy dependent two-body interactions to equivalent local, energy independent, ones. To achieve this we use inverse scattering techniques the resulting interactions being, on-- and (to all practical purposes) off--shell equivalent to the energy dependent potentials. In this way we obtain binding energy results for the 2--, 3--, 4--, and 16--particle in a medium at a finite temperature and various densities. Several aspects of the problem are discussed and the behavior of the potential surfaces obtained in the extreme adiabatic approximation, below and above the Mott transition, is investigated.
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