Hybrid stars that masquerade as neutron stars
Oct, 2004
22 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 629 (2005) 969-978
- nucl-th/0411016 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- JLAB-05-04-294
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We show that a hybrid (nuclear + quark matter) star can have a mass-radius relationship very similar to that predicted for a star made of purely nucleonic matter. We show this for a generic parameterization of the quark matter equation of state, and also for an MIT bag model, each including a phenomenological correction based on gluonic corrections to the equation of state. We obtain hybrid stars as heavy as 2 M_solar for reasonable values of the bag model parameters. For nuclear matter, we use the equation of state calculated by Akmal, Pandharipande, and Ravenhall using many-body techniques. Both mixed and homogeneous phases of nuclear and quark matter are considered.Note:
- 22 pages, LaTeX. Extra figure and explanation added
- dense matter
- elementary particles
- stars: neutron
- star: hybrid
- nuclear matter
- quark: matter
- neutron star
- parametrization
- quantum chromodynamics: correction
- bag model