Near-threshold pion production with radioactive beams at the rare isotope accelerator

Nov, 2004
22 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.C 71 (2005) 014608

Citations per year

Using an isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model we study near-threshold pion production in heavy-ion collisions induced by radioactive beams at the planned Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA). We revisit the question of probing the high density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho) using the π/π+\pi^-/\pi^+ ratio. It is found that both the total and differential π/π+\pi^-/\pi^+ ratios remain sensitive to the Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho) when the momentum-dependence of both the isoscalar and isovector potentials are consistently taken into account. Moreover, the multiplicity and spectrum of π\pi^- mesons are found more sensitive to the Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho) than those of π+\pi^+ mesons. Finally, effects of the Coulomb potential on the pion spectra and π/π+\pi^-/\pi^+ ratio are also discussed.
  • 24.10.Lx
  • 25.70.Pq
  • scattering: heavy ion
  • beam: radioactivity
  • pi: hadroproduction
  • threshold
  • yield: (pi+ pi-)
  • pi: multiplicity
  • pi: electron synchrotron
  • transport theory