Tensor correlation in He-4 and its effect on the doublet splitting in He-5
Nov, 2004Citations per year
We investigate the role of tensor correlation on the structures of \nuc{4}{He} and its effect on the doublet splitting in \nuc{5}{He}. We perform a configuration mixing calculation in the shell model type bases to represent the tensor correlation for He. It is found that our model describes the characteristics of the tensor correlation, which is represented by an admixture of the configuration with a spatially modified orbit. For He, we solve a coupled OCM equation for an extended He+ model, while taking into account the tensor correlation in the He cluster. It is shown that the tensor correlation produces the Pauli blocking, in particular, for the state, and its effect causes about half of the p-wave doublet splitting in He. This indicates that the strength of the effective spin-orbit interaction should be reduced by about half from the conventional one. We obtain a reliable He- interaction, including the tensor correlation, which further improves the behavior of the - and -wave phase shifts in the He+ system.References(28)