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0 Citations
Light-front quantization to many-particle systems of finite temperature and density provides a novel approach towards a relativistic description of quark matter and allows us to calculate the perturbative as well as the non-perturbative regime of QCD. Utilizing a Dyson expansion of light-front many-body Green functions we have so far calculated three-quark, quark-quark, and quark-antiquark correlations that lead to the chiral phase transition, the formation of hadrons and color superconductivity in a hot and/or dense environment. Presently, we use an effective zero-range interaction, to compare our results with the more traditional instant form approach where applicable.
  • 25.75
  • 11.10.Wx
  • 12.38.Mh
  • quark matter
  • light-front quantization
  • finite temperature
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