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0 Citations
We extend a chiral effective field theory approach to the Λ\Lambda-nuclei interaction with the inclusion of the decuplet baryons. More precisely, we study the contributions due to the long-range two-pion exchange, with Σ\Sigma and Σ\Sigma^* baryons in the internal baryonic lines considering Nh and Δ\Deltah excitations. In particular, central and spin-orbit potentials are studied. For the former, regularization is needed and physical values of the cut-off give a large attraction, becoming necessary to include the repulsion of other terms not considered here. For the latter, in a model-independent framework, the inclusion of the decuplet supports the natural explanation of the smallness of the Λ\Lambda-nuclear spin-orbit term and shows the importance of the Σ\Sigma^* and Δ\Delta degrees of freedom for the hyperon-nucleus interactions.
  • 21.65.+f
  • 24.10.Cn
  • 21.80
  • 13.75.Ev