Multi-nucleon correlations in Deep Inelastic Scattering at large Bjorken x(B)

Jan, 2007
4 pages
Report number:
  • BNL-NT-07-2

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0 Citations
Using realistic nuclear many-body wave functions in the collinear factorization framework, we evaluate nuclear Deep Inelastic Scattering at large Bjorken xB, where correlations are needed to exceed the kinematic limits of a single free nucleon. We find that recent experimental data on cross-section ratios from the CLAS collaboration exhibit features that are not reproduced by modern 2- and 3-nucleon correlations in the nuclear wave function. New physical mechanisms are needed to explain data in the 2
  • 13.60.Hb
  • 21.30.-x
  • 24.85.+p
  • 12.38.Bx
  • electron nucleus: deep inelastic scattering
  • electron nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • helium: nuclide
  • carbon
  • iron
  • differential cross section: x-dependence