Removal of the energy dependence from the resolvent - like energy dependent interactions
May, 199520 pages
Published in:
- Theor.Math.Phys. 104 (1996) 989-1007,
- Teor.Mat.Fiz. 104N2 (1995) 281-303
- nucl-th/9505030 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- JINR-E5-94-259
Citations per year
The spectral problem is considered with , a self-adjoint Hamiltonian of sufficiently arbitrary nature. The perturbation is assumed to depend on the energy as resolvent of another self-adjoint operator . It is supposed that operator has a finite Hilbert-Schmidt norm and spectra of operators and are separated. The conditions are formulated when the perturbation may be replaced with an energy-independent ``potential'' such that the Hamiltonian has the same spectrum (more exactly a part of spectrum) and the same eigenfunctions as the initial spectral problem. The orthogonality and expansion theorems are proved for eigenfunction systems of the Hamiltonian . Scattering theory is developed for in the case when operator has continuous spectrum. Applications of the results obtained to few-body problems are discussed.References(24)