Direct radiative capture of p wave neutrons
- ,
- T. Otsuka(,)
- Wako, RIKEN and
- Tokyo U.
16 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 52 (1995) R2334-R2338
- nucl-th/9508018 [nucl-th]
Report number:
Citations per year
The neutron direct radiative capture (DRC) process is investigated, highlighting the role of incident p-wave neutrons. A set of calculations is shown for the 12-C(n,gamma) process at incoming neutron energies up to 500 keV, a crucial region for astrophysics. The cross section for neutron capture leading to loosely bound s, p and d orbits of 13-C is well reproduced by the DRC model demonstrating the feasibility of using this reaction channel to study the properties of nuclear wave functions on and outside the nuclear surface. A sensitivity analysis of the results on the neutron-nucleus interaction is performed for incident s- as well as p-waves. It turned out that the DRC cross section for p-wave neutrons is insensitive to this interaction, contrary to the case of incident s-wave neutrons. PACS number(s): 25.40Lw,21.10Gv,23.40.Hc
- 16 pages, REVTeX file, PostScript file, .dvi file