An effective field theory with hadrons and photons is constructed, where the hadronic parameters are determined by fitting elastic π\piN scattering data. The predicted pion-induced η\eta-production on the nucleon agrees well with the data. The hadronic model is then used to describe the final-state interaction in photoinduced processes. We present a consistent description of pion photoproduction in the E0 +_0~+-channel and of the total cross sections for photoinduced η\eta-production on the proton as well as on the deuteron.
  • talk: Blaubeuren 1995/07/10
  • photon p: exclusive reaction
  • photon deuteron: interaction
  • interaction: photon deuteron
  • eta: photoproduction
  • photoproduction: eta
  • S-matrix
  • N(1535)
  • N(1650)
  • vector meson: exchange