Amplitude analysis of the anti-N N --> K- K+ reaction

Apr, 1996
14 pages
Report number:
  • RU-96-09,
  • USC-NT-96-2

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0 Citations
A simple partial wave amplitude analysis of ppK K +\overline{p}p \rightarrow K~-K~+ has been performed for data in the range plabp_{\rm lab} = 360 -- 1000 MeV/cc. In this low momentum interval only partial wave amplitudes with JJ equal to 0, 1 and 2 are needed to obtain a good fit to the experimental data. This maximal JJ = 2 value is smaller than what is required for the data of the reaction ppπ π +\overline{p}p \rightarrow \pi~-\pi~+ in the same momentum interval.
  • anti-p p: annihilation
  • annihilation: anti-p p
  • K: pair production
  • pair production: K
  • partial wave analysis
  • differential cross section: angular dependence
  • angular dependence: differential cross section
  • numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments
  • anti-p p --> K+ K-
  • 0.36-1.00 GeV/c