An inconsistency in the simulation of Bose-Einstein correlations

6 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 2 (1998) 359-364

Citations per year

Bose-Einstein correlation functions have been studied using a simple model to generate identical pion pairs from a mathematical parameterization of various source geometries, and the simulation of pion radial flow or absorption in the source. The commonly used correlation formalism is first applied to a realistic source with radial flow, demonstrating the predicted reduction in apparent source size. It is then shown that in the case that strong position-momentum correlations are present this formalism breaks down, and the divergence is enhanced when the phase space of the emitted particles is strongly reduced by experimental acceptance or by kinematic analysis selections.
  • Submitted to Z.Phys.C
  • nucleus nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • pi: pair production
  • pi: hadroproduction
  • boson: statistics
  • correlation function: two-particle
  • particle source: parametrization
  • space-time
  • momentum spectrum
  • pi: particle flow
  • velocity