Delta electroproduction in a chiral bag model approach
Sep, 19969 pages
Part of N* physics. Proceedings, 4th CEBAF/INT Workshop, Seattle, USA, September 9-13, 1996, physics* 110-119
Contribution to:
- 4th CEBAF / INT Workshop on N* Physics, physics* 110-119
- nucl-th/9612032 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- ADP-96-44-T-238,
- ADP-96-44-T238
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We study the \gamma~* N -> \Delta transition amplitudes in a recoil corrected cloudy bag model approach. A modified Peierls-Thouless projection method is used to construct the Galilean invariant baryon states. The pionic contribution is found to be significant. The effect of the recoil correction is to reduce the magnitude of the transition amplitudes at small momentum transfer and to enhance them at modest momentum transfers.Note:
- 9 pages, at the CEBAF/INT Workshop on $N^*$ Physics, National Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, September 9--13, 1996. To appear in the conference proceedings
- talk: Seattle 1996/09/09
- electron nucleon: inelastic scattering
- exchange: one-photon
- photon nucleon: exclusive reaction
- Delta(1232): electroproduction
- Delta(1232): photoproduction
- bag model: chiral
- effective Lagrangian
- baryon: wave function
- invariance: Galilei