Lepton pair production in virtual Compton scattering off the proton

Jan, 1997
8 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 402 (1997) 1-6
Report number:
  • KVI-1260

Citations per year

We show that lepton-pair production in Virtual Compton Scattering offers, through interference with the well-known Bethe-Heitler process, a sensitive probe to learn the longitudinal response of resonances and the electromagnetic nucleon form factors. This interference can be measured directly in terms of an asymmetry. The role of off-shell effects in the N-N-γ\gamma vertices is investigated as well. An additional N-N-γγ\gamma -\gamma contact term in the amplitude, included to ensure gauge invariance of the model, cancels a substantial part of the off-shell effects.
  • 8 pages, LaTeX , 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Lett. B
  • 13.30.-a
  • 13.40.-f
  • 13.40.Gp
  • 13.40.Hq
  • 13.60.Fz
  • Virtual Compton scattering
  • Off-shell form factors
  • Δ-isobar
  • photon p: Compton scattering
  • off-shell