Hadron production in relativistic nuclear collisions: Thermal hadron source or hadronizing quark - gluon plasma?
Apr, 1997Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Measured hadron yields from relativistic nuclear collisions can be equally well understood in two physically distinct models, namely a static thermal hadronic source vs.~a time-dependent, nonequilibrium hadronization off a quark-gluon plasma droplet. Due to the time-dependent particle evaporation off the hadronic surface in the latter approach the hadron ratios change (by factors of <\approx 5) in time. Final particle yields reflect time averages over the actual thermodynamic properties of the system at a certain stage of the evolution. Calculated hadron, strangelet and (anti-)cluster yields as well as freeze-out times are presented for different systems. Due to strangeness distillation the system moves rapidly out of the T, plane into the -sector. Strangeness to baryon ratios f_s=1-2 prevail during a considerable fraction (50%) of the time evolution (i.e. -droplets or even -droplets form the system at the late stage: The possibility of observing this time evolution via HBT correlations is discussed). The observed hadron ratios require and . If the present model is fit to the extrapolated hadron yields, metastable hypermatter can only be produced with a probability p< 10^{-8} for .- nucleus nucleus: nuclear reaction
- hadron: hadroproduction
- yield: (hadron)
- hadron: particle source
- quark gluon: plasma
- model: hadronization
- time dependence
- thermodynamics
- matter: strangeness
- matter: hypernucleus
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