Double Lambda hypernuclei and the Lambda-Lambda interaction
Nov, 19974 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.A 639 (1998) 397-400
Contribution to:
- nucl-th/9711035 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- UG-DFM-10-97
Citations per year
0 Citations
The - effective interaction, in the channel , in the nuclear medium is fitted to the available binding energies, , of double hypernuclei: He, Be and B. The mesonic decay of these hypernuclei is also investigated. Finally, this effective interaction is used to predict the binding energies and mesonic decays widths of heavier double hypernuclei.Note:
- 4 pages, (latex file, postscript-file and 3 Postscript-figures included)
- Lambda Lambda: hypernucleus
- Lambda Lambda: interaction
- mean field approximation
- potential
- Hartree-Fock approximation
- mathematical methods: variational
- coupling constant
- binding energy
- hypernucleus: width
- numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments