Consistent effective description of nucleonic resonances in an unitary relativistic field theoretic way
Aug, 1998Citations per year
High energy strong interaction physics is successfully described by the local renormalizable gauge theory called Quantum-Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) with quarks and gluons as ``elementary'' degrees of freedom, while intermediate energy strong interaction physics shows up to be determined by a non-local, non--renormalizable effective field theory (EFT) of ``effective'' degrees of freedom like mesons, ground state baryons and resonances. Within the picture of an effective field theory of strong interaction at intermediate energies I present a ``toy-model'' in which fermionic and bosonic resonances are considered to be ``particles'', i.e. they consistently are described by (anti-)commuting effective field-operators (containing dynamics of infinitely many quark-gluon or meson-nucleon diagrams) which are comfortably treated by Wick's Theorem in a covariant framework and obey unitarity. Non-trivial implications to couplings of non-local interactions are shown.- talk: Dubna 1998/08/17
- fermion: resonance
- boson: resonance
- nucleon resonance
- quantum mechanics: scattering
- field theoretical model
- effective Lagrangian
- propagator: renormalization
- vertex function
- field theory: nonrenormalizable