Consistent effective description of nucleonic resonances in an unitary relativistic field theoretic way

Aug, 1998
8 pages
Contribution to:
Report number:
  • FAU-TP3-98-11

Citations per year

High energy strong interaction physics is successfully described by the local renormalizable gauge theory called Quantum-Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) with quarks and gluons as ``elementary'' degrees of freedom, while intermediate energy strong interaction physics shows up to be determined by a non-local, non--renormalizable effective field theory (EFT) of ``effective'' degrees of freedom like mesons, ground state baryons and resonances. Within the picture of an effective field theory of strong interaction at intermediate energies I present a ``toy-model'' in which fermionic and bosonic resonances are considered to be ``particles'', i.e. they consistently are described by (anti-)commuting effective field-operators (containing dynamics of infinitely many quark-gluon or meson-nucleon diagrams) which are comfortably treated by Wick's Theorem in a covariant framework and obey unitarity. Non-trivial implications to couplings of non-local interactions are shown.
  • talk: Dubna 1998/08/17
  • fermion: resonance
  • boson: resonance
  • nucleon resonance
  • quantum mechanics: scattering
  • field theoretical model
  • effective Lagrangian
  • propagator: renormalization
  • vertex function
  • field theory: nonrenormalizable