Is it possible to obtain polarized positrons during multiple Compton backscattering process?
Apr, 2003Citations per year
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If a beam of unpolarized positrons (which is considered as a sum of two fractions with opposite helicities) passes through an intense circular polarized laser radiation these fractions may be separated. For high laser flash intensity each positron will interact with 1 laser photons subsequently (linear multiple compton scattering process). Due to difference in the compton cross-section for positrons polarized in opposite directions the mean final energy of each fraction will be different. It allows to get a polarized positron beam using the momentum selection (with some intensity loss). Estimations show the possibility to obtain a positron beam with 35% longitudinal polarization and 25% intensity from the initial one for focussed laser flash with total energy 5J and positron beam with energy 5 GeV.Note:
- 9 pages, 3 figures. Presented at 28th ICFA Workshop "Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics", January 7-11, Hiroshima, Japan
- talk: Higashi Hiroshima 2003/01/07
- positron: particle source
- particle source: polarized beam
- photon positron: Compton scattering
- Compton scattering: backscatter
- Compton scattering: multiple scattering
- cross section