FEATHER: A Fast intrapulse feedback system for the JLC

Feb, 2003

Citations per year

Ground motion at the Future JLC detector may affect beam alignment and cause huge luminosity loss. The FEATHER (FEedback AT High Energy Requirements) project addresses this problem by designing a fast intra-pulse feedback system that will correct the observed beam offset.
  • talk: Appi 2003/02/25
  • electron positron: linear collider
  • linear collider: proposed
  • background: oscillation
  • beam damping: feedback
  • bending magnet: pulsed
  • 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 -4000 -2000 0 Merged -3 dB on triangle -10 dB on triangle ut (arbitrary units) Tension(V) Figure 17: By using diode with a shifted ground value, it is possible to produce non linearities with linear ut (here the ut was a triangle signal)