Direct test of the time independence of fundamental nuclear constants using the Oklo natural reactor
Nov, 1982Citations per year
[NOTE: This 1983 preprint is being uploaded to after the death of its author, who supported online distribution of his work. Contact info of the submitter is at .] The positions of neutron resonances have been shown to be highly sensitive to the variation of fundamental nuclear constants. The analysis of the measured isotopic shifts in the natural fossil reactor at Oklo gives the following restrictions on the possible rates of the interaction constants variation: strong ~2x10^-19 yr^-1, electromagnetic ~5x10^-18 yr^-1, weak ~10^-12 yr^-1. These limits permit to exclude all the versions of nuclear constants contemporary variation discussed in the literature. URL: >. For more recent analyses see hep-ph/9606486, hep-ph/0205206 and astro-ph/0204069 .- lectures
- fundamental constant: time dependence
- nuclear physics
- n nucleus: nuclear reaction
- n: absorption
- total cross section: energy dependence
- fission
- numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments