From atoms to quarks and beyond: A Historical panorama

Feb, 2006
31 pages

Citations per year

The inward bound path of discovery unravelling the mysteries of matter and the forces that hold it together has culminated at the end of the twentieth century,in a theory of the Fundamental Forces of Nature based on Nonabelian Gauge Fields, called the Standard Model of High Energy Physics. In this article we trace the historical development of the ideas and the experimental discoveries on which this theory is based. This involves the following components: quantum field theory and quantum electrodynamics, weak interactions and parity violation, strong interactions and quarks, nonabelian gauge fields and spontaneous symmetry breaking. We develop these different strands of history and weave them together. We also mark significant Indian contributions wherever possible. Finally we have a glimpse at future developments, in particular quantum gravity and string theory. An Appendix on more Indian contributions is added at the end.
  • review
  • history
  • atom
  • quantum mechanics
  • quantum electrodynamics
  • weak interaction
  • parity: violation
  • strong interaction
  • gauge field theory: SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)
  • spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • orthostatistics

    • S.D. Rindani
    • M. Sivakumar
    • [1965]
      Other outstanding experiments of fundamental significance are the search for proton decay in the KGF experiment, the search for axion in the nuclear reactor experiment at Trombay and the search for the fifth force using torsion balance (by and Unnikrishnan), although none of these searches going on world-wide have yielded positive results so far. Among the major international experiments in which the Indian groups have participated
      • R. Cowsik
      • N. Krishnan
      • 0.6. APPENDIX: MORE INDIAN CONTRIBUTIONS 31 are the precision tests at LEP that established the standard model as a renormalizable QFT, the discovery of the top quark at the Tevatron and the Heavy Ion Collision experiments at CERN and Brookhaven searching for Quark Gluon Plasma. The first two-in-one experiment BOREX using Boron 12 to detect solar neutrinos via charged current and neutral current modes simultaneously and thus establish neutrino oscillations if they exist was proposed by H Chen, but this experiment did not materialise. Instead, a similar experiment using deuterium in heavy water proposed by R Raghavan did materialize and this was the experiment of Sudbury Neutrino Observatory which successfully solved the solar neutrino problem. A unique low-energy solar neutrino experiment BOREXINO which will focus on the monochromatic Be neutrino lines was proposed and led by Retrospect: Inspite of the above Indian contributions one must admit the remarkable absence of great Indian contributions in the recent history of HEP. Why have we come down? Where are the equivalents of Bose and Raman in the present- day HEP? There may be sociological reasons for this, but this is not the place to go into them. Is it possible that India throws up great names only when Physics goes through revolutionary development as in the beginning of the 20th century? If so, the next revolution which may come in the 21st century must be eagerly watched! Remember that the solution of the Quantum Gravity problem and/or the formulation of String Theory is still incomplete. They may usher in the next revolution in Physics and may involve great contributions from India. There are already signs of this, in the quality of Indian contributions to String Theory and Quantum Gravity. We shall close with this optimistic remark
        • S. Pakvasa
        • R. Raghavan