On the gravitational field of a mass point according to Einstein's theory

7 pages
Published in:
  • Sitzungsber.Preuss.Akad.Wiss.Berlin (Math.Phys.) 1916 (1916) 189-196

Citations per year

  • Translated by S. Antoci and A. Loinger
  • [1]
    Forx1 = 1 : f1 = 1=r4 = (3x1) 4=3
    • [1]
      f2 = f3 = r2 = (3x1)2=3
      • [1]
        f4 = 1
        • [2]
          The equation ofthe determ inant:f1 f2 f3 f4 = 1
          • [3]
            The eld equations
            • [4]
              Continuity ofthe f,exceptforx1 = 0. x4. In order to form ulate the eld equations one m ust rst form the com ponents of the gravitational eld corresponding to the line elem ent (9). This happensin the sim plest way when one builds the di erentialequations ofthe geodesic line by direct execution ofthe variation,and reads out the com ponents from these. The di erentialequations ofthe geodesic line for the line elem ent(9)resultfrom the variation im m ediately in the form : 0 = f1 d2 x1 ds2 + 1 2 @f4 @x1 dx4 ds 2 + 1 2 @f1 @x1 dx1 ds
              • [5]
                The uniqueness of the solution resulted spontaneously through the present calculation. From what follows we can see that it would have been di cult to ascertain the uniqueness from an approxim ation procedure in the m anner ofM r ithout the continuity condition it would have resulted: f1 = (3x1 + )4=3 1 (3x 1 + )1=3 = (r3 + )4=3 1 (r 3 + )1=3 : W hen and are sm all,the seriesexpansion up to quantitiesofsecond ordergives: f1 = 1 r4 1+ r 4=3 r3 : Thisexpression,togetherwith the corresponding expansionsoff2,f3,f4,satis esup to the sam e accuracy allthe conditionsofthe problem.W ithin thisapproxim ation the condition ofcontinuity does not introduce anything new, since discontinuities occur spontaneously only in the origin. Then thetwo constants and appearto rem ain arbitrary,hencetheproblem would bephysically
                • Einstein. W
                • [6]
                  Finally,one hasstillto derive the m otion ofa pointin the gravitational eld,the geodesic line corresponding to the line elem ent(14).From the three facts,thatthe line elem entishom ogeneousin the di erentialsand thatitscoe cientsdo notdepend on tand on,with the variation we getim m ediately three interm ediate integrals. Ifone also restrictshim selfto the m otion in the equatorialplane (# = 90o
                  • [6]
                    d# = 0)these interm ediate integralsread: (1 =R ) dt ds 2 1 1 =R dR ds 2 R 2 d ds 2 = const:= h
                    • [6]
                      (15) R 2 d ds = const:= c
                      • [6]
                        (16) (1 =R ) dt ds