Information transfer via the phase: A local model of Einstein-Podolksy-Rosen experiments

Jun, 2000
5 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Conventionally, one interprets the correlations observed in Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiments by Bell's inequalities and quantum nonlocality. We show, in this paper, that identical correlations arise, if the phase relations of electromagnetic fields are considered. In particular, we proceed from an analysis of a one-photon model. The correlation probability in this case contains a phase relation cos(b - a) between the two settings. In the two photon model the phases of the photon's electromagnetic fields are related at the origin. It is shown that this relation can be translated into a linearity requirement for electromagnetic fields between the two polarizers. Along these lines we compute the correlation integral with an expression conserving linearity. This expression, as shown, correctly describes the measured values. It seems thus that quantum nonlocality can be seen as a combination of boundary conditions on possible electromagnetic fields between the polarizers and a relation of the electromagnetic fields of the two photons via a phase. We expect the same feature to arise in every experiment, where joint probabilities of separate polarization measurements are determined.
  • 5 pages (RevTeX, twocolumns) and 1 figure (eps). Minor changes in the wording, changed the top margin (the pdf files did not fully display the page)