Disproof of Bell's theorem by Clifford algebra valued local variables

Mar, 2007
4 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
It is shown that Bell's theorem fails for the Clifford algebra valued local realistic variables. This is made evident by exactly reproducing quantum mechanical expectation value for the EPR-Bohm type spin correlations observable by means of a local, deterministic, Clifford algebra valued variable, without necessitating either remote contextuality or backward causation. Since Clifford product of multivector variables is non-commutative in general, the spin correlations derived within our locally causal model violate the CHSH inequality just as strongly as their quantum mechanical counterparts.
  • 4 pages; RevTeX4; Further elaborations may be found in arXiv:0904.4259, arXiv:0806.3078, arXiv:0707.1333, and arXiv:quant-ph/0703244
  • 03.67.-a
  • 03.65.Ud
  • 02.10.Ud