Does Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt correlation or Freedman-Clauser correlation lead to the largest violation of Bell's inequality?
Jan, 1997Citations per year
An inequality is deduced from Einstein's locality and a supplementary assumption. This inequality defines an experiment which can actually be performed with present technology to test local realism. Quantum mechanics violate this inequality a factor of 1.5. In contrast, quantum mechanics violates previous inequalities (for example, Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality of 1969, Freedman-Clauser inequality of 1972, Clauser-Horne inequality of 1974) by a factor of . Thus the magnitude of violation of the inequality derived in this paper is approximately larger than the magnitude of violation of previous inequalities. This result can be particularly important for the experimental test of locality.Note:
- 15 pages, LaTeX file, no figures