Zero temperature Casimir fluctuations and the limits of force microscope sensitivity

Oct, 1997
4 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
It is predicted that in force microscopy the quantum fluctuations responsible for the Casimir force can be directly observed as temperature-independent force fluctuations having spectral density 9π/(40ln(4/e))δk9\pi/(40\ln(4/e)) \hbar \delta k, where \hbar is Planck's constant and δk\delta k is the observed change in spring constant as the microscope tip approaches a sample. For typical operating parameters the predicted force noise is of order 101810^{-18} Newton in one Hertz of bandwidth. The Second Law is respected via the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. For small tip-sample separations the cantilever damping is predicted to increase as temperature is reduced, a behavior that is reminiscent of the Kondo effect.
  • Revised as submitted to PRL: (a) the predicted fluctuations are 8% larger, due to the correction of a minor algebraic error, (b) additional physical motivation is provided at each step of the calculation, (c) the figure is nicer. RevTeX, four pages, one embedded figure, uses epsf.sty
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