5th International Workshop on From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and More (PAVI11)
5-9 September 2011. (C11-09-05.8)
- Rome,
- Italy
- Phenomenology-HEP
Atomic parity violation, Charge Symmetry Breaking, Quark Distributions, Electric Dipole Moment, Electron-Ion Collider, Electroweak Physics at Colliders, Extensions of the Standard Model, Future Facilities and Electroweak Physics, Hadronic Parity Violation Neutrino Physics, Parity Violating Electro Scattering Parity Violation and QCD in Nuclei, Polarimetry, Polarized Electron Sources, Tests of ,the Standard Model, Two-Boson Radiative Corrections
- 5th conference in the PAVI series
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