20th International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC 14)
24-29 August 2014. (C14-08-24)
- Hamburg,
- Germany
- Astrophysics
- Experiment-HEP
- Lattice
- Phenomenology-HEP
- Theory-HEP
- Experiment-Nucl
- Theory-Nucl
- Instrumentation
Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2014 The next International Conference on Particles And Nuclei (PANIC'14) will be held from 18th to 24 of August, 2014 in Hamburg, Germany. This Conference is the 20th in the series of triennial conferences which bring together the Particle and Nuclear Physics communities. PANIC14 will consist of plenary talks and a number of parallel sessions. The scientific program will address a broad range of topics at the interface between particle, nuclear, and astrophysics. Special emphasis will be devoted to recent discoveries and results. The conference is hosted by DESY, Deutsches Eletkronen Synchrotron in Hamburg, Germany and the Institute for Experimental Physics at the University of Hamburg.
- 20th conference in the PANIC series
- Matthias Kasemann (matthias.kasemann@desy.de)
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