3rd International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP3)

26-30 May 2014.
    • Yokohama,
    • Japan
    • KGU Kannai Media Center, Kanto Gakuin University
The following topics have been selected in order to cover most of the scientific programme: - Cluster structures and many-body correlations in stable and unstable nuclei - Clustering aspects of nuclear reactions and resonances - Alpha condensates and analogy with condensed matter approaches - Role of tensor force in cluster physics and ab initio approaches - Clustering in hypernuclei - Nuclear fission, superheavy nuclei, and cluster decay - Cluster physics and nuclear astrophysics - Clustering in nuclear matter and neutron stars - Clustering in hadron and atomic physics
  • 3rd conference in the SOTANCP series
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