9th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI 2014)

28 September-3 October 2014.
    • St. Goar,
    • Germany
    • Schloss Rheinfels
  • Theory-Nucl
  • Experiment-Nucl
The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for the international research community for the presentation and discussion of all aspects of nuclear physics at storage rings and related fields. In this spirit the conference will cover the following topics: - Nuclear structure and astrophysics - In-ring nuclear reactions - Hadron spectroscopy and sub-nucleonic degrees of freedom - Antiproton-nucleus interactions - Stored radioactive beams - Fundamental symmetries and interactions - Elementary atomic processes explored with cooled few-electron ions - Nuclear properties by atomic physics techniques - Beam-cooling, manipulation and diagnostics - Targets and detectors Ion traps and electrostatic rings Future facilities
  • 9th conference in the STORI series
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