Quantum Field Theory at the Limits: from Strong Fields to Heavy Quarks (HQ 2016)
18-30 July 2016. (C16-07-18.8)
- •
- Dubna,
- Russian Federation
- Dubna, JINR
- Experiment-HEP
- Phenomenology-HEP
The Helmholtz International Summer School (HISS) - Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH) "Physics of Heavy Quarks and Hadrons", organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, will be held from 18 to 30 July, 2016 in Dubna. It continues a series of workshops and schools held in Dubna (1993, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2013) and Bad Honnef (1994) and Rostock (1997). The School will cover the main topics in heavy flavor physics. It will provide a first hand opportunity to a good number of graduate students and postdocs in high energy physics to hear the latest results on heavy quark physics from all four experimental collaborations at the LHC (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, ALICE) and from the B-factory at the KEK. Leading experts in this field will read a series of lectures devoted to theoretical analysis of the experimental results. Some lectures will be devoted to strong-field QED and high-intensity plasma physics. The lectures and talks in the school are aimed at graduate students and postdocs, who are welcome to apply for partial support.
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