Amplitudes 2021
16-20 August 2021. (C21-08-16)
- Online Conference,
- Denmark
- Math and Math Physics
- Phenomenology-HEP
- Theory-HEP
The thirteenth conference of the Amplitudes series, dedicated to the study of scattering amplitudes in quantum field theories. To be held at the Niels Bohr International Academy of the University of Copenhagen. The conference will be preceded by a school, August 9-13.
Organizers: N. Emil J. Bjerrum-Bohr, Jacob Bourjaily, Poul H. Damgaard, Michèle Levi, Andrew McLeod, Matt von Hippel, Cristian Vergu, Matthias Wilhelm
- 13th conference in the Amplitudes series
- Jane Elvekjær (
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