mm Universe @ NIKA2 : Observing the millimeter Universe with the NIKA2 camera  (mm Universe 2021)

28 June-2 July 2021.
    • Online Conference,
    • Italy
  • Astrophysics
  • Gravitation and Cosmology
  • Instrumentation
The "mm Universe @NIKA2" Conference is organised by the Department of Physics at Sapienza University in Rome and held online via Zoom platform due to current situation. We hope that the virtual format will allow all the interested participants to be able to join it! 
"mm Universe @NIKA2" is the second edition in a series of workshops dedicated to the scientific exploitation of the NIKA2 camera installed at the IRAM 30-m telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) and opened to the scientific community. The first meeting was held at LPSC in Grenoble in June 2019.
The observations of the sky at millimetre wavelengths in the past years contributed to tremendous improvements in our understanding of a great variety of scientific topics ranging from the star formation in the Milky Way to the measurement of cosmological parameters.
The advent of the NIKA2 camera at the IRAM 30-m telescope has opened a new route to reveal the details of the formation and evolution of structures throughout the Universe.
It will be organised by Sapienza University from June 28th to July 2nd, 2021. This international conference will bring together the scientific community working on science done with NIKA2 observations. It includes both theoretical and observational topics related to the mm Universe, from stellar to cosmological scales.
Registration will open on March 1st, 2021. There will be no registration fees.
The mm Universe 2021 conference is funded by Sapienza University.

  • remote conference due to the current situation.
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