20th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS2023)

17-22 September 2023.
    • Victoria,
    • Canada
  • Accelerators
The Conference will take place September 17-22, 2023 and is the 20th event in a biennial series of conferences that are dedicated to Ion Sources and their applications, and the first in-person conference of this series after the pandemic.   

ICIS'23 will be hosted by TRIUMF (www.triumf.ca), Canada's Particle Accelerator Centre, and following the great experience hosting the virtual conference ICIS'21, we are excited to organize this in-person meeting.
Whilst details are still being developed and finalised, the scientific program of ICIS'23 will offer plenary sessions of invited and contributed oral presentations and two Poster sessions. The scientific program will cover themes of the ion sources science and technology that are relevant to the production of ion beams for scientific research and for applications

  • 20th conference in the ICIS series
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