US LHC Accelerator Research Program
  • Started: Oct 9, 2008,
  • Completed: 9999
LARP Collaboration

The U.S. LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) consists of four US laboratories, BNL, FNAL, LBNL, and SLAC, who collaborate with CERN on the Large Hadron Collider in order to:
* make more luminosity, earlier
* collaborate in interaction region upgrades, to make even more luminosity, later
* use, develop, and preserve unique U.S. resources and capabilities.

The US LHC Accelerator Research Program enables U.S. accelerator specialists to take an active and important role in the LHC accelerator during its commissioning and operations, and to be a major collaborator in LHC performance upgrades. In particular, LARP will support U.S. institutions in LHC commissioning activities and accelerator science, accelerator instrumentation and diagnostics, and superconducting magnet R&D to help bring the LHC on and up to luminosity quickly, to help establish robust operation, and to improve and upgrade LHC performance. Furthermore, the work we do will be at the technological frontier and will thereby improve the capabilities of the U.S. accelerator community in accelerator science and technology to more effectively operate our domestic accelerators and to position the U.S. to be able to lead in the development of the next generation of high-energy colliders.

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