Crystal Barrel at ELSA and TAPS
  • Started: 2000,
  • Completed: 9999
CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration
The Crystal Barrel detector initially used at LEAR (CERN) has been moved to Bonn and modified for the conditions at ELSA. The detector has been built up at the former SAPHIR experimental place. The collaboration will investigate the photoproduction of meson resonances (search for missing resonances, explore decay modes of known resonances and look for less established resonances, including the newly discovered penta-quark state ?+). Its results will help to understand QCD at low energies. The test measurements have been sucessfully completed and data acquisition started in fall 2000. This year the CB detector has been modified to allow the installation of the TAPS detector. Now both detectors can take data simultaneously. In 2004 the detector will be modified and built up at the former GDH area (first without TAPS detector). In 2005 a new data acquistion period will be started. These measurements will also make use of a polarized electron beam and a polarized target.
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