The {CLEO} Experiment at {CESR}
  • Proposed: 1975,
  • Approved: 1977,
  • Started: Oct, 1979,
  • Completed: 9999
CLEO Collaboration
Since 1979 the collaboration has conducted studies of b, c, tau and gamma-gamma physics in e+ e- interactions near 10 GeV. Current topics include determination of the CKM parameters and the Standard Model tests in decays of heavy flavors, as well as QCD tests in a variety of processes. Successive detector upgrades have kept pace with luminosity improvements to the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR), which has delivered over 6/fb of integrated luminosity to date. The CLEO-II detector (proposed 1983, approved 1984, operational since 1989) consists of drift chambers for tracking charged particles and measuring dE / dx, time-of-flight counters, a 7800-element CsI electromagnetic calorimeter, a 1.5-tesla superconducting solenoid, iron for flux return and muon identification, and muon chambers. A three-layer silicon vertex detector was added in the Fall of 1995. Taking data (July 96). A major upgrade, the CLEO-III detector, was proposed and approved in 1994, and the installation is planned for 1998.
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