
Ariadne: A program for simulation of QCD cascades implementing the colour dipole model
Ariadne Collaboration
The Colour Dipole Model (CDM) as implemented in the ARIADNE program has had considerable success in describing data from both e+ee^+e^− and lepto-production experiments. The CDM differs from other QCD cascade models in that it in a natural way correctly treats most QCD coherence effects by describing the gluon bremsstrahlung in terms of radiation from colour dipoles between partons, instead of treating partons as independent emitters. ARIADNE is one of the “Lund family of Monte Carlo programs” and is not a complete event generator. It only generates the QCD cascade process and has to be interfaced to other programs which handle hard interactions, hadronization and particle decays.
  • Particle physics software
  • A program for simulation of QCD cascades implementing the colour dipole model.
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