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Ultimo aggiornamento 17 lug 2019
Linda Polastri
Sesso M
Esperimento INDARK
Tipo Dottorato
Destinazione dopo il cons. del titolo Altro
Università Universita' Di Ferrara
Titolo The next generation experiments for CMB anisotropies: from balloons to space
Abstract The signature of primordial gravitational waves is imprinted in the B-modes of CMB polarization, producing specific polarization patterns that can be dis- entangled from other sources. Several issues make this detection an extremely challenging measurement. In this thesis I will present two examples of the next generation of CMB polarization experiments: CORE (Cosmic Origins Explorer) and LSPE (Large Scale Polarization Explorer). The first one is a proposed space mission that aims to map the nearly full-sky CMB polarization pattern with unprecedented sensitivity. The second is an experiment composed of two instruments: one flying on a stratospheric balloon and the other ground-based. Both LSPE and CORE have a main science target in the CMB B-modes. They also address a significant list of ancillary science targets. I contributed to devel- oping, testing and validating the future software pipeline for scanning strategy simulations, foreground removal and spectral analyses. I simulated scanning strategy and data reduction for both experiments, in order to select the optimal mission parameters. I also contributed to developing a component separation pipeline to remove the foreground contamination from simulated maps of LSPE.
Anno iscrizione 2015
Data conseguimento 21 mar 2019
Luogo conseguimento Universit di Ferrara
Diego Molinari   
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Partecipazione a premi Marcello Conversi: Bruno Rossi: Claudio Villi: Sergio Fubini: Francesco Resmini: Giulia Vita Finzi: