Submit new content to INSPIRE

Do you have something that isn’t in INSPIRE? We are interested in maintaining as comprehensive a database as possible in accordance with our content policy.

To submit new content to INSPIRE, you must be logged in with your ORCID account (see this help page if you need to create an ORCID account). All submission forms can be found under the “Submit” menu at the top left of any page.

For corrections to existing records see this help page.



Link to submission form

This form allows you to suggest a preprint, an article, a book, a conference proceeding or a thesis you would like to see added to the INSPIRE literature collection. We will check your suggestion with our content policy and transfer it to INSPIRE.

Instructions for literature submission of some particular cases:

  1. A preprint we have in the Literature collection has been published in a journal. If so submit a correction using this form. See this help page for more information on submitting corrections. Be sure to include the DOI, journal name, volume, year and page range.
  2. A paper has been published in a journal (or appears as a conference proceeding or theses or similar non-arXiv paper) and we have no record at all of it. In this case, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with information about the paper by using the literature submission form. Note that INSPIRE does harvest articles from some journals programmatically (see our content sources), but it may take a few weeks before they appear in the Literature collection. Therefore it is recommended not to submit published articles to INSPIRE immediately after publication
  3. If you would like an unpublished preprint entered into our database please send it to the E-print Archive (click for detailed instructions). It will then be part of our regular daily download if sent to one of the following archives:astro-ph.(CO and HE), gr-qc, hep-ex, hep-lat, hep-ph, hep-th, nucl-ex, nucl-th, physics (accelerator, ins-det. Anything cross-listed to these archives will also be automatically entered into INSPIRE. We also strongly suggest you archive your PhD thesis at If you still have the TeX file, you may also wish to archive the preprint of a published paper we are missing.


Link to submission form

This form allows you to create the profile of a new author. It will be added to the authors collection upon approval. For more detailed instructions, see the help page Create an INSPIRE author profile.


Link to submission form

This form allows you to advertise a new job opening. It will appear in the Jobs List upon approval. For more detailed instructions, see the help page Submitting, updating, and removing a job on INSPIRE.


Link to submission form

This form allows you to submit a new seminar to INSPIRE. It will appear in the Seminar List immediately.


Link to submission form

This form allows you to submit a new conference to INSPIRE. It will appear in the Conference List immediately.

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