Paris, IN2P3
- Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (IN2P3)
- ,
- 3, Rue Michel-Ange,
- Bâtiment K,
- F-75794 Paris, Cedex 16
- France
ROR Record:
Name Variants:
- National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics,
- INS1618
Parent Institution:
Subsidiary Institutions:
- IMNC, Orsay,
- Modane, Lab. Souterrain,
- Lyon, LMA,
- Orsay, IPN,
- CSNSM, Orsay,
- Lyon, IPN,
- Orsay, LAL,
- Caen U.,
- Ec. Polytech., OMEGA,
- CC, Villeurbanne,
- U. Montpellier 2, LUPM,
- Ecole Polytechnique,
- CENBG, Gradignan,
- L2IT, Toulouse,
- Clermont-Ferrand U.,
- Strasbourg, IPHC,
- LNCA, Rancennes,
- LP2I, Bordeaux,
- Annecy, LAPP,
- APC, Paris,
- Marseille, CPPM,
- Paris U., VI-VII,
- IJCLab, Orsay,
- SUBATECH, Nantes,
- LPSC, Grenoble,
- IP2I, Lyon
List of People
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