PhD student position in experimental particle physics (LHCb)

    • Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne
    • Europe
  • hep-ex
Deadline on Nov 1, 2022
Job description:
The High Energy Physics Laboratory of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne [1], invites applications for a PhD student position in experimental particle physics (LHCb experiment).

LHCb is a flavour physics experiment running at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, which has recently reported exciting evidence for deviations from the Standard Model of particle physics. The successful candidate will be expected to perform data analysis under the supervision of Dr. Lisovskyi, examining the anomalies found previously in semileptonic beauty-meson decays. Their PhD thesis will focus on study of rare heavy-flavour meson decays into the final states with four leptons. They will also be able to participate to the development of the tracking detectors and algorithms for the future upgrades of the LHCb detector.

The position becomes available on February 1, 2023, with a possibility to start later if needed. A Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Physics should be held by the start of employment.
The ideal candidate has a strong motivation for fundamental research, and has received education in Particle Physics. Experience with data analysis, computer programming and/or particle detectors is an advantage.

An attractive salary is offered [2-4], and the appointment runs for up to four years. EPFL, as well as CERN, offer a stimulating multicultural working environment at the forefront of fundamental research. The position includes teaching duties and the possibility of frequent journeys between CERN and EPFL.

Applicants should prepare a single PDF file including the following documents: motivation letter, CV, and contact information of at least two referees willing to write a reference letter, and send it to our secretariat (Mrs. Craman, by November 1, 2022. Applicants should ask the referees to send their letters to the same address by the same deadline.

More information can be obtained from Dr. V. Lisovskyi ( and Prof. L. Shchutska (

Posted 3 years ago, updated a year ago