Postdoctoral Research Associate

    • Purdue U., West Lafayette
    • North America
  • hep-ex
Deadline on Jan 30, 2023
Job description:
The High Energy Physics Group at Purdue University has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate to work on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
The Purdue CMS group has extensive involvement in many aspects of CMS, including hardware, software, and physics analysis. We are pursuing an exciting physics program with a focus on searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model and precision measurements of Standard Model processes. The current physics analysis activities of the group include searches for new heavy gauge bosons and the study of the properties of the Higgs boson. The group is actively engaged in all aspects of triggering and reconstruction of muons. In addition, the group plays an active role in Phase-II detector upgrade projects using in-house facilities to design, develop and build silicon detectors and their support structures. At Purdue we operate a Tier-2 computer center, providing resources for data analysis both locally and as part of the CMS computing Grid.
The successful candidate is expected to take on a leadership role in physics analyses in the areas of Higgs precision measurements and/or searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, working closely together with graduate and undergraduate students. The candidate will also contribute to our group’s efforts in the development of muon reconstruction software, the upgrade of the High-Level trigger and contribute to R&D on heterogenous computing. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in experimental particle physics, excellent data analysis, computing and programming skills and the ability to carry out an independent research program. The position will be based at Purdue, CERN or FNAL, by mutual agreement.
Screening of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Full consideration will be given to applications submitted by January 30, 2023. Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae together with a short statement of physics interests and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to Prof. Norbert Neumeister (
Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from minority and female candidates are encouraged.
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
Posted 2 years ago, updated 2 years ago