Simons Confinement Collaboration Postdoctoral Researcher

    • U. Minnesota, Minneapolis (main)
    • North America
  • hep-th
  • hep-ph
  • nucl-th
    • PostDoc
Deadline on Dec 4, 2022
Job description:
The postdoctoral researcher will join the Simons Collaboration on Color Confinement and the QCD String, working with Prof. Aleksey Cherman at the University of Minnesota, among others, and pursue a research program in non-perturbative aspects of QFT, generally with a focus on confinement, symmetry breaking, and the phase diagrams of QCD and QCD-like field theories, using a wide variety of theoretical tools ranging from generalized global symmetries, effective field theory, to (analytic) lattice methods and beyond. The position is for two years with the possibility of an extension to a third year depending on mutual interest and funding, and will come with support for travel to conferences etc. Upon joining the local research group, the postdoc will be expected to be a vigorous and independent member of the research group, working both on their own and in collaboration with local and external collaborators, including faculty, students, and other postdocs, help organize seminars, write papers, and communicate with the broader scientific community by participating in conferences and workshops.

To apply, candidates should visit the official UMN application website, and submit all the requested materials. These include a cover letter explaining why you're interested in the position, a research statement, a CV, and names and contact information for three or more letter writers. In addition, please fill out the details requested on this AJO website, and have your letter writers submit letters through AJO. For best consideration please apply by Dec 4 2022.
Posted 2 years ago, updated 2 years ago