Postdoctoral position

    • Northwestern U.
    • North America
  • hep-ex
  • cond-mat
  • nucl-ex
  • physics.ins-det
Deadline on Sep 1, 2023
Job description:

Located at Northwestern University, to join the group of Professor Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano. Two positions are available. The successful applicant will play a leading role in either the SuperCDMS or Ricochet/CUPID programs, while also working on our R&D projects at Fermilab.

The Figueroa Group is currently involved in several projects involving cryogenic detectors in particle physics:

  1. Ricochet is an experiment to study neutrinos through the Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering process. Ricochet will place a cryogenic array of detectors 8.8 meters from the 58 MW ILL nuclear reactor core in Grenoble, France. Northwestern is leading the development of Transition-Edge-Sensos (TES) for the QArray, a US contribution to the Ricochet payload using superconducting targets and a new TES sensor architecture.
  2. CUPID is an experiment that will be deployed in Gran Sasso, Italy. It will use scintillating bolometers to look for neutrinoless double-beta decay. We will be testing CUPID towers in the NEXUS facility (see below) and are developing TES-based detectors for a future CUPID 1-Ton experiment.
  3. The SuperCDMS (cryogenic dark matter search) experiment is building a second-generation experiment to search for dark matter particles with masses below 5 GeV. SuperCDMS SNOLAB will use new germanium and silicon detectors with unprecedented sensitivity to low-mass DM. Our group is focused on new detector development, the calibration of Si and Ge detectors using neutron beams, understanding detector behavior and backgrounds, and in commissioning and operating the cryogenic systems for the experiment. 
  4. Particle R&D at Fermilab: Our group, in collaboration with Fermilab, operates the Northwestern EXperimental Underground Site (NEXUS) 100 meters underground in Fermilab’s MINOS tunnel. We are pursuing a variety of new R&D directions at this facility, including next-generation single-electron-hole-pair searching for dark matter, TES designs for the Ricochet and CUPID neutrino experiments, and active veto designs for rare event searches. 

REQUIREMENTS: A Ph.D. in physics. Candidates' background should be in experimental nuclear or particle physics, or experimental condensed matter physics. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

Please submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae, and have two letters of recommendation sent to:
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
Posted 2 years ago, updated a year ago