Postdoctoral Fellow - nEXO Detector Development

    • McGill U., Montreal (main)
    • North America
  • hep-ex
  • nucl-ex
  • physics.ins-det
    • PostDoc
  • Experiments:
Deadline on Jan 15, 2024
Job description:
The experimental particle physics group at McGill University is looking for a postdoctoral fellow in experimental subatomic physics to join our local nEXO team. We are an energetic group with members at all academic stages. While every member has their own project, teamwork is a central aspect in our research. We consider diversity an asset and hope to increase it within our group.

nEXO is a proposed neutrinoless double beta decay experiment which is being developed by an international collaboration. nEXO will search for the latter beyond the Standard Model weak process in the isotope Xe-136 in a liquid-xenon time-projection chamber. The team at McGill is developing methods to characterize silicon multipliers (SiPMs) from individual devices to integrated modules of up to 2,500 cm^2 in area at cryogenic temperatures (168 K) in collaboration with other Canadian groups. The aim of the characterization program is to ensure that SiPMs of the nEXO photodetector plane are meeting the design requirements.

In addition, there is the possibility for the candidate to get involved with the so-called Light-only Liquid Xenon (LoLX) experiment which aims to measure Cherenkov light emission in liquid xenon using arrays of silicon photomultipliers and investigate cross-talk between them. LoLX is a small experiment offering the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of an experiment.

Your tasks will be:
  • Lead the characterization of SiPM modules in a cryogenic environment.
  • Lead the upgrade of cryogenic SiPM-characterization infrastructure.
  • Develop methods to characterize large area integrated SiPMs.
  • Analyze data and publish developed methods and results.
  • Support the operation and scientific exploitation of LoLX.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in physics or a closely related field at the time of appointment. Ph.D. candidates should indicate when they are expecting to fulfill their Ph.D. requirements. Preference is given to candidates with a background in experimental nuclear or particle physics, or photon detection. The appointment is initially for one year with the possibility of renewal for up to 3 years.

Thomas Brunner ( is looking forward to receiving your application Please include a cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, statement of research interests, and upload them to WorkDay. Please arrange to have three letters of reference sent electronically to Thomas Brunner. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply, and we especially encourage candidates of diverse backgrounds to apply. Please submit your application by January 15, 2024. This is a full-time postdoctoral position with an annual salary ranging from $55,000 to $65,000. Please send inquiries if you have questions regarding this position to Prof. Thomas Brunner.
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
Posted a year ago, updated a year ago