Experimental Particle Physics - the ATLAS Experiment and IRIS-HEP

    • U. Washington, Seattle (main)
    • North America
  • hep-ex
Deadline on Apr 30, 2024
Job description:
The Department of Physics at the University of Washington invites applications for a postdoctoral scholar position. The successful candidate will work on the ATLAS experiment the LHC and the IRIS-HEP project with Professor Gordon Watts and a group searching for Long Lived Particles using Machine Learning and building and integrating new tools into the field’s python analysis eco-system. The anticipated start date is Winter Quarter 2024.

The University of Washington Experimental Particle Physics group (EPE) is a team of four professors, four postdocs, and four graduate students working on the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. We are interested in exploring electroweak symmetry breaking and the search for exotic decays of the Higgs, particularly with searches for Long Lived Particles. We are also a founding member of the IRIS-HEP project (Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for the HL-LHC, http://iris-hep.org). Our group’s IRIS-HEP work involves developing analysis systems: integrating HEP with the python-based analysis ecosystem, enabling low latency analysis of large datasets, and pursuing differentiable analysis and Machine Learning for analysis workflows. The successful candidate will apply new analysis paradigms to physics analysis, both for ATLAS and for their own analyses.

For questions please contact Gordon Watts (gwatts@uw.edu).

The position is a full-time, 12-month (one-year) appointment, which may be extended (upon successful performance), subject to funding and mutual agreement. The Postdoctoral Scholar title is limited to five years, including postdoctoral experience(s) at UW and other institutions.

The successful applicant should have a Ph.D., or foreign equivalent, by date of appointment and be interested in contributing to both the software and long-lived particle search physics program.

Application Instructions
Applications should consist of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of future research interests, a statement describing the applicant's experience and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and three letters of reference.

Applications received by April 30, 2024, will receive full consideration.
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
Posted a year ago, updated a year ago